If you've discovered that your upholstered furniture suffered water damage when your house was flooded, and it's got some mold growing on it, you might not need to discard it after all. This is particularly true if there are only a few spots on it that show signs of active mold growth. In most cases, you should be able to give it a thorough cleaning to remove the mold, and the hidden spores. Here are some handy instructions that will help you get rid of the mold so you can use your furniture again:
Prep the Area
The first thing you'll need to do is prep the area that you'll be using for the cleanup. You'll be removing active mold spores, so you should choose an area outside for the cleaning. Lay a plastic tarp down, and secure it to the ground with several pieces of duct tape. This will prevent it from blowing around and spreading the mold spores. You'll also need to gather the following cleaning supplies.
Stiff-bristled cleaning brush
4 tablespoons liquid dish detergent
Clean sponge
¼ cup rubbing alcohol
¼ Vinegar
Spray bottle
Give It a Thorough Cleaning
Once you've gathered your cleaning supplies, you'll be ready to clean your upholstered furniture. Begin by filling your bucket with water and adding the dish detergent and rubbing alcohol. Swish the water around to create a generous amount of suds. Use your brush to loosen up and remove the mold from your furniture. Next, soak your sponge in the water and rub the suds directly onto the moldy areas. Once you've cleaned all the moldy areas, rinse the couch using a clean sponge and fresh water. If you'd prefer, you can use this technique to clean the entire surface of your furniture. After you've cleaned your furniture, allow it to air dry outside for a few hours.
Kill the Remaining Spores
When your furniture has been given a chance to dry, you'll need to make sure that any remaining mold spores have been taken care of. You can do that with a generous application of vinegar and water. Fill your spray bottle with water, and add your vinegar. Spritz the entire surface of your furniture, and allow the solution to air dry. Once it's dry, you'll be free to move your furniture back into your home. Carefully pick up the plastic tarp, and toss it in the trash.
Contact a company like Atlantic Carpet Care for more information and assistance.